Category Archives: Beer Quest

Sampling the local brews from around the world.

Beer Quest Day 6 – London

It’s hot out there, been riding around in the sun on an open top double decker bus, so a crisp refreshing beer was the go, had a pint of Stella Artois in a pub by the Thames. Followed by a Wolf “Straw Dog”. Has a floral hops character, a light semi cloudy colour, but still that English body and heaviness to it. I’m finding most English beers, being quite full bodied, are much more suited to colder weather and sipping – they don’t have the cold crisp refreshing guzzling qualities that I like in a Summer beer.

So after a visit to the amazing Tate Modern art gallery I’m now enjoying a pint of “Waggle Dance” brewed with honey. On the terrace outside a crowded modern pub on the south bank of the Thames directly across from St Paul’s Cathedral. Goes down pretty easy…

To finish off the day a pint of Guinness to go with my steak. It does taste different over here, much smoother and creamier. Doesn’t have the sharpness or excessive yeastiness that you get in Australia. I think this is the coldest beer I’ve had here so far.

Beer Quest Day 5 – London

Got back to hotel and slammed down a 500ml bottle of “Fursty Ferret”. That hit the spot.

Finished off the day in a pub on the corner near my hotel in Paddington. Pubs over here are more like big communal lounge rooms: Dark stained wood and leather and nice carpet and curtains, comfy chairs and tables. And they don’t smell! Lots of character, unlike our modern generic sterile hotels, and more homely than our traditional pubs.

Had a pint of Moreland Original. Like virtually all English beers it’s not heavily carbonated so they have to manually pump it up from the cellar, rather than just turning the tap.

Beer Quest Day 7 – London

Timothy Taylor “Landlord” Ale with my Ploughman’s Lunch at “The Feathers” pub just behind Scotland Yard. Very sweet toasty honey and hint of floral overtones, nice smooth easy drinking on a Sunday afternoon. The Pommy at the bar just ordered a Fosters Shandy!

Followed up by a “Nutty Black”. Creamy, slightly bitter, so full bodied it’s almost as viscous as motor oil!

“Carling”. Mass produced diluted piss. A bit like VB.

Finally, a pint of Kronenbourg 1664 while watching the World Cup Final. This is a beautifully balanced, crisp and refreshing premium world class beer. When they’ve been brewing it for 350 years you kind of expect that they’d have it right by now – and obviously they do…

Beer Quest Day 8 – London

Bottle of “Black Sheep Ale”. Like it says on the tin – crisp, dry and bittersweet. Leans towards the dark side, nice yeastiness, but not too strong. Good stuff.

“Old Speckled Hen”, much stronger than the average ale here. This one is 5.2%, most are around 4.0%. A sweet, malty, very smooth beer. Beautifully balanced, this would go equally well with a BBQ or with a desert. This one really sank to the boots! Feeling good 😛

Beer Quest Day 1

Well Day “0” was awesome, 63rd floor apartment at the Meriton World Towers, Sydney. Had some “Fat Yak” beers with Phil, and a few Champagnes and some NZ merlot. Good night.

Day 1, on the plane I asked for a beer and was offered Fosters or VB… but then spotted a Tiger, so went for that.

After getting settled in Singapore I went for a stroll and settled in a cafe having a beer.

You can buy beer anywhere, they have longnecks in the coke fridge at the corner store! Gold. I like the local brew “Tiger”. It’s an uncomplicated lager, not too bitter, not too fruity, nice and crisp and easy drinking. Just perfect for the year-round 30 degree+ temps and 95% humidity here. Buy it at a restaurant and sit cafe style by the road watching the world go by. Great.

“Record” in Paris – Explosive!

Went out for a drink with Cath & Abbey down the road from the hotel, found a little cafe and went in. The friendly staff said hello and what can we get you, then we just stood there like stunned mullets trying to formulate a sentence in French, felt so dumb! Then they started speaking broken English to us. I asked for a beer and chose one I hadn’t heard if before “Record”, he asked if I wanted a little one or a big one so I stretched my arms out and said BIG one. He warned me that French beer is “very strong”, and I indicate ‘bring it on Monsieur’.

It was a pleasant beer, quite sweet and easy drinking (as you can see from the photo).

There were fireworks going off in the distance and a gang of teenage boys hanging out in the park across the road. They started letting off big fireworks in the street on the next block. Cath got a bit nervous, then they all charged down the road running for their lives and instinct took over as I jumped up and said we gotta get out of here. Followed after them and as I rounded the corner the guy next to me lit a cracker and dropped it at my feet. I yelled Fuck!, doubled back and yelled at the girls to hide around the corner. Seconds after i got behind the building, huge bright green fireworks exploded where I had been. Talk about adrenaline. Within another 30 seconds the block was completely sealed off by the police and they had 12 of the guys face down on the pavement in handcuffs.
It was quite an exciting first night in Paris!